Super Nutrient Banishes Pain Instantly
Dear Reader,

If you’re living with pain… maybe losing your independence from conditions like arthritis, tendonitis, or fibromyalgia. 

… or you’ve been forced to stop your favorite activities like gardening, playing tennis or golf… or you can’t run around with your kids or grandkids without shockwaves of pain radiating down your arms and legs… 

Or even sit for too long without an achy back and knees... then read every word on this page because...
Starting Today You Can Control Your Pain...
And relieve tension from anywhere on your body in seconds.

Whether you’ve been living with pain for years... or its rearing its ugly head for the first time— you can enjoy a healing miracle discovered by myself and team after finding the real root cause of pain… 

I’ve since used this brand new research and strange, yet powerful combination of natural ingredients to provide INSTANT relief and total body rejuvenation for my clients. Now...  

With claims like that you have every right to be skeptical... 

I was too. Until I tested my discovery on hundreds of patients at my chiropractic office in Toronto, Ontario... 

And saw amazing results using this pain soothing formula.

Helping thousands of men and women once assigned a life of agonizing pain… to now enjoying pain-free movement once again.  

It starts by understanding where pain comes from…  

And most doctors have it all wrong...  

Pain Does NOT Come From Inflammation.
It’s Not Genetics Either...
It’s much deeper than that... yet very simple.

And it wasn’t until I came across this groundbreaking research — likely to change the game of pain management forever— that led to a fast-acting solution clinically proven safer and more effective than some leading NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) on the market (2)…See...

Pain happens when your muscles and joints are starving.

In a minute I’ll share the exact process of this pain cycle and how you can finally break free of it… 

For now— think of your pain like a hungry, screaming newborn baby… 

You can try burping or changing it… or putting it down for a nap.  

But if you don’t feed the baby the nutrients it needs to feel full… the crying will NOT stop. Likewise… 

If Your Tissues Aren’t Being Fed…
Your Muscles And Joints React With Pain
Just Like A Screaming Baby….
I know. It sounds too simple to be true— especially coming from a doctor, right? 

Yet when you boil down the true root cause of pain and inflammation… it’s starvation in your muscles. 

Causing achy, sometimes debilitating sensations like... 

Muscle spasms. Soreness in your hands and fingers. Tension in your head or neck. Shoulder aches. Pain in your knees and elbows— especially if you’re active. Dull aches in your lower back when sitting. And knotted tight muscles...  

Even pain from all types of chronic arthritis— like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout can be the result of starved muscles and joints. (3)

And this pain has likely run a muck in other areas of your life too... 

Maybe you’ve misdirected your pain and lashed out at your kid or spouse when they don’t deserve it... 

Have canceled plans with friends because you’re having a horrible “pain day”...  

Or you feel depressed and would rather sit at home alone instead of going out pretending like nothing hurts... 

The worst is at night… 

The one time you should be able to “turn off” and sleep in peace. Instead, you’re anxious in bed…

Sometimes waking up in unbearable pain that keeps you up for hours... 

So you start the next day running on fumes...

It’s a helpless, vicious cycle isn’t it?

If that’s you, you’re not alone. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. But… more importantly. There’s new hope for you...  

Because on this page I’ll reveal the exact super nutrient formula you need to feed those achy areas… so you can push out inflammation causing toxins... and break the pain cycle immediately while nourishing your problem area(s) with exactly what it needs to heal. 

Like a multivitamin for your joints— boosting your tissue’s health and vitality…  

Enjoy Instant Relief
That Lasts All Day Long...
No more aches in your hands, feet, elbows or knees... 

Tension in your neck and lower back, gone. Prickling, tingling, and burning pain erased. Knots and stiffness disappear. And you can finally get back to doing what you love… 

Like running around with your kids or grandkids… going for walks without aggravating knee pain or aching in the bottom of your feet...  

Sleeping like a baby through the night… or putting away groceries... opening doors... or holding a loved one’s hand without pain in your knuckles and fingers... 

You’ll finally have freedom— sweet, sweet freedom from pain. 
  • Erase years of chronic back, shoulder, knee, and neck pain immediately.
  • Visibly reduce painful flare-ups in seconds…
  • Speed up recovery by easing pain associated with traumatic injury…
  • Enjoy a full night’s sleep without uncomfortable tossing and turning…
  • Get movement and mobility back...
  • Calm tension in your wrists, hands and fingers from typing on the computer and soothing backache from sitting all day long…
  • Release sore knotted muscles… even carpal tunnel…
  • Fast muscle recovery after exercise… and so much more.
...and today I want to give you that same kind of instant and long lasting relief that will awaken your excitement for life again.

Now if this is new information to you, please know... 
You Are NOT To Blame For Your Pain...
For decades doctors wrongly pointed the finger at inflammation as the root cause of your suffering… which is dead wrong. I’ll show you why in a minute... 

And because of this massive medical mistake you’ve likely been given NSAIDs, topical treatments, or prescription painkillers you never wanted to take in the first place… maybe even assigned a strange diet or therapy… all of which do NOT treat the root cause of your pain. Sure...  

You may flare-ups on a small scale for a few hours with any of those common methods… but you’ll never solve the deeper issue. Meaning — you’ll spend the rest of your life ‘coping’ instead of healing. 

And likely spend fortunes on pain relief creams that are nothing but ‘smoke and mirrors’... masking your pain for a moment with weak ingredients that give you fake hot and cool sensations…  

While deep down inside your muscles and joints get worse… until your only option is expensive and risky surgery that takes months to recover...  

Even then your body never feels the same...  

Like you left a piece of yourself on the operation table that you can’t get back... 
It’s scary, I know...
I’ve stood by the bedside of patients shaking with fear being wheeled into surgery... terrified of the possible complications and the slow difficult recovery process...

Yet today I want to give you an escape...

An underground railroad leading to freedom from pain...

A safe natural and long lasting solution that goes to work in seconds... without taking another pill… or worse— going under the knife.

Instead, you can... 
Claim Your Independence & Feel In Control
Again— Ending The Runaway Roller Coaster
Ride Of Pain Once And For All...
Now before I show you the exact super-nutrient formula to feed your starving joints and muscles for instant, complete and enduring pain relief in seconds, let me properly introduce myself…

My name is Chris Oswald… 

My happy patients nicknamed me the “muscle genius” for the single reason I’ll soon share with you on this page... 

I’ve had my work featured on national news broadcasts. Hundreds of health websites. And published in dozens of medical research journals… 
I founded Canada’s top results-proven chiropractic clinic after receiving my BSC and DC in joint and muscle correction. And have been recognized as one of North America’s leading pain relief experts...
Helping 20,147 patients overcome muscle and joint pain in the last 25 years. And you can experience the same kind of total relief starting today...

It won’t matter your age. Fitness level. How long you’ve been in pain or how chronic your condition…
The simple solution I’ll share today is...  
Your Golden Ticket To A Life Without Pain...
Like Mary Allen. A 54-year old mom of three suffering from osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis.

She had crippling pain in her hands and dull aches in her knees and low back. She couldn’t walk more than ten minutes without having to sit and rub her legs…  

Even small activities like carrying groceries or holding her husband’s hand sent sharp pain radiating down her wrists and into her knuckles and fingers... 

Her doctor recommended aspirin for the pain…  

But she was afraid of the increased risk of stroke. Her mom suffered one a few years back... so it ran in her family history which is why she came to me for help. 

That day I showed Mary how to soothe the pain in her knees, back, and hands immediately by placing a gentle and effective nutrition formula directly on those hurting areas for fast acting relief… 

In 30 Seconds Her Pain Was Entirely Gone— And Miraculously Treated For Weeks After Just One Use...
Two months later she walked over 3 miles for a Breast Cancer charity event without any pain or having to stop... and with the newfound strength in her joints she’s lost 11 lbs by simply being active again.

Mary has a new lease on life...  

And that’s just one of the many testimonials I get on a weekly basis...  

Then there’s Adam Pollack—age 62. A proud grandfather who loves gardening, fishing and swimming at his local YMCA in East York, Ontario. He also volunteers once a week at a flower shop at the local hospital.  

But pain in his right shoulder and elbow were slowing him down… getting so unbearable at times that he would stay locked in bed all day.    

When we first met, Adam was taking 7 different prescription drugs and polishing off a full bottle of topical cream every two weeks just to take the edge off his arthritis... and after his insurance company upped the cost of his coverage he came to me desperate for help.   

So I gave him the same tissue-nourishing formula I shared with Mary...  

And in seconds his nagging aches and pains were gone. I’m happy to report since our first visit...  

Adam Takes fewer Prescription Drugs And Tossed All His Topical Creams Except One— The Super-Nutrient Formula I Gave Him For Instant Relief...
He even keeps it next to his gardening tools if his right shoulder needs a quick ‘pick me up’ from time to time...
I love seeing these kind of transformation stories of my clients going from hopeless and crippled... to feeling like a carefree kid again.

Now before I share this natural pain busting formula that rushes into your tissues like the SWAT team terminating the bad guys on a rescue mission…

Take a look at the quiz below...

Because if you or someone you love— maybe a family member or close friend— is suffering any of the symptoms below it’s your duty to keep reading this letter...

Quiz: Are Your Muscles Or Joints Starving To Death?
  • Do you get irritable, exhausted, or angry from pain?
  • Do you wake up at least once a night with discomfort in your joints?
  • Do you stay sore long after a workout? (maybe for days at a time)
  • Does your lower back ache while sitting?
  • Do your hands or feet ever tingle?
  • Have you given up activities you love or stopped doing them as much as you’d like?
  • Do you experience morning stiffness when you first wake up?
  • Do your hands, wrists, or fingers hurt opening packages or twisting jars?
  • Do you suffer from pain in your shoulders or elbows after a round of golf or tennis?
  • Do your knees or the bottoms of your feet get sore when walking?
  • Do you have an injury that’s never fully healed?
  • Are you becoming more dependent on others to move around?
If You Said ‘Yes’ To One Or More Of The Questions Above Then The Rest Of This Letter Is Critical For You...
Because you’ve just identified that starving muscles and joints are the true root cause of your pain

And you can fix what’s broken inside your muscles and joints by feeding them the healing nutrients needed for fast relief you’ve been desperately seeking. Now... 

When I say “feeding”— I’m not talking about eating special foods... choking down pills... or anything like that.  

Instead... you simply rub this newly discovered super-nutrient formula directly onto your sore spots… allow it to absorb into your skin… and feel your pain disappear in seconds as these powerful ingredients dive deep into your muscles and joints for a soothing sensation so strong it’s like a healing touch from Heaven. 

This will all make sense when you understand the...  

The Cold Hard, Hidden Truth About Your Pain...
You’ve likely been told inflammation is the #1 reason for your aches and pains right? 

While there’s some truth to that…  

Inflammation is NOT the root cause of your pain (3). 

Which is good news and here’s why...  

Just like every turning point in medical history- when you identify the root cause of the problem… you can find a solution.  

Like in 1924 when the tetanus vaccine was brought to the United States... and gave us the antibodies our immune system needed to fight off the viscous tetanus bacteria… 

Or in 1955 - knowing our bodies couldn’t defend against Polio… the Vaccine was created… and eliminated this once lethal threat from the face of the planet.  

And for the first time in history... 

A pain relief formula that’s giving new life and ease of movement to 100+ million people suffering from chronic pain… simply by treating the source of the problem - not the side effect.  

Making it possibly the... 
Greatest Breakthrough In
Pain Relief History!
Here’s how this powerful formula works...

The cells in our tissues operate around the clock to push out metabolic waste like lactic acid, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, even water...  

Basically— compounds that can be dangerous if there’s too much in the cells. Now... 

When your cells aren’t being fed the right kind of nutrients… this process slows down. And the bad metabolic waste begins to buildup in your cells… 

Causing hot flare-ups in your joints and muscles. 

And if you continue to neglect the nutrition of the cells, your pain will only get worse. It’s... 
Like A Heart Attack In Your Joints And Muscles!
Picture this...

A clogged artery forces your heart to pump faster and harder just to circulate blood throughout the body...

And the more clogged it gets… the harder your heart has to pump. Until one day your ticker is so stressed that it quits on you— causing a heart attack.

The same happens in your cells when they’re not being fed the nutrients to flush out the metabolic waste building up inside...

Your muscles and joints get inflamed… and the more you neglect feeding them— the more clogged they get. Eventually causing excruciating pain in your muscles and joints that no pill, injection, massage, therapy or diet can fully treat...
The only long term solution may be surgery… but even then your body won’t feel the same after.

The easiest and safest way to achieve the instant numbing and long lasting pain fix you crave is by directly feeding the starved cells in your muscles and joints…

Helping them to push out this toxic, excess metabolic waste... allowing for a miraculous relief to take place in minutes. Sometimes seconds depending on the severity of your pain and the type of joint or muscle.

Everything else is like a wet flimsy Band Aid on a big cut… just a weak cover up that doesn’t actually heal your body or fix the root cause of your suffering.
Even worse...
Many Of The So Called “Pain Treatments” Available (That You May Be Taking Right Now) Are Addictive, Toxic, And Cancerous (4, 5, 6)...
Now… I’m completely against using parabens, foreign chemicals, and other toxic ingredients with my patients...

I believe the solution you need for a pain free life is given to us from mother nature… 

However most doctors don’t have your health in mind as much as they do your pocket book— just so you know.  

Just recently— The Center of Disease and Control released a shocking report that doctors are writing 3X more prescriptions for opioids than they had just 20 years ago. (7)

And these dirty doctors get paid handsomely under the table from Big Pharma companies for pushing their addictive ‘pain pills’... this according to an undercover 2018 study published in the medical journal, JAMA Internal Medicine (8).  

Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Connecticut also contributed to a recent article claiming doctors connected to these Big Pharmaceutical companies are prescribing addictive and deadly opioids when other options may be more beneficial for the patient (9). Beware... 

Patients With Chronic Pain Are Caught In
The Crossfire Of An Opioid Epidemic...
So destructive that 40 percent of all overdose deaths in the United States are from prescription opioids like Methadone. Oxycodone. Hydrocodone and others (10)…

These pills work like sorcery...  

A dark magic that’s ripping apart innocent lives and families because of addiction or overdose…  

Opioids are so addictive that you can become drug dependent after just five days of using them according to Martin Bradley— a division leader of pharmaceutical evaluation and policy at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. (11) 

And just one prescription refill of these deadly painkillers instantly increases your risk of Chronic Opioid use

Look… I totally understand that the pain in your body is so traumatic some days that ANY form of relief will do… to the riskiness of becoming a drug addict… or worse— dying from these dangerous pills.  

However I promise— there’s a safer and more effective natural solution that will soon have you...  
Flushing Those Expensive, Addictive And
Deadly Bottles Of Pills Down The Toilet
Which I’ll share in a minute…

Because I don’t want you to become another one of their statistics... 

→ Drug overdose deaths have quadrupled since 1999.  
→ More than six out of 10 overdose deaths involve opioid drugs (12)  
→ Ninety-one people die every day in America from prescription opioids. 

And even though prescriptions for opioids have nearly quadrupled since 1999... there's been no overall change in Americans' reported pain levels... 

So don’t be fooled… 

There’s no pill in a bottle that will ever give you the kind of freedom from pain you’re wishing for...  

There’s only addiction and bondage...  

And while you may think NSAIDs like Advil, Celebrex, Voltaren, are safer— think again...  

Select NSAIDs On The Market Double
Your Risk Of Heart Attack And Stroke (13)
And according to the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), each year the side effects of NSAIDs hospitalize over 100,000 people and kill 16,500 in the U.S. mostly due to bleeding stomach ulcers. (14) See…

A glaring problem with NSAIDs and opioids is they can negatively affect the entire body… not just the part that hurts. 

As cardiologist Nieca Goldberg, MD, a spokesperson for the American Heart Association and Chief of Women's Cardiac Care at Lennox Hill Hospital, New York City puts it...  

“If you use a drug to ease one problem, like an achy joint… it's likely to cause a different reaction somewhere else too”... 

Like a sudden disruption of blood flow to your brain… causing a paralyzing stroke on one side of your body.  

Or stomach pain and heartburn. Ringing in your ears. Dizzy spells. Or severe vomiting… all of which are side effects of NSAIDs.  

Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Celebrex, Vioxx and Bextra have an ingredient protecting your gut from bleeding ulcers— the #1 cause of death from NSAIDs...  
However that same ingredient raises your blood pressure - in some cases to extreme heights... increasing your risk of a sudden stroke or heart attack...

 It’s like a game of pick your poison with these manufactured pills. There’s no winning.

While pain can feel unbearable at times… and I agree that it’s so much better to treat the pain than suffer through it. ...

There’s a much safer, natural way— a super-nutrient formula I’ve used on thousands of clients that gives you fast acting and long lasting relief clinically tested and proven more effective than commonly prescribed NSAIDs on the market…

And before I share this amazing news...

There’s one more deadly “treatment” you must be aware of… 
“Safe” Topical Pain Relief Creams Can Cause Skin Cancer And Other Deadly Reactions (15)
Most of the topical relief creams on commercial TV are toxic

Maybe not right away... but the chemicals build-up over time in your body. Overloading your bloodstream with dangerous ingredients in destructive amounts...

And seniors aren’t the only ones affected by this...

A young and healthy high school track athlete— likely the age of one of your kids or grandkids if you’re a parent— recently went into cardiac arrest after applying a popular pain relief cream several times on a nagging injury…

This particular cream contains a toxic ingredient called methyl salicylate— that’s found in the other ‘Big Five’ pain relief topicals on the market. And they still haven’t removed it yet...

Despite being exposed by the US National Poison Database Survey as a “serious health risk” to seniors, middle-aged adults and children (15)...

Yet these large pain relief cream companies with their “athlete endorsements” continue to lace their formulas with this dangerous chemical. It’s crazy!

Topical pain relief science has changed dramatically over the years but many leading national brands are still using old dangerous formulations…

Maybe they don’t want to shell out the extra money on safer, more effective ingredients and would rather keep their margins high. I can’t say for sure. Regardless…

It’s unethical. And every last one of them should be thrown in prison.

Yet it gets even more sickening...

The American Association For Cancer Research found…
Capsaicin— An Ingredient Found In 93% Of Topical Pain Creams Can Cause Skin Cancer! (16)
Have you ever rubbed a topical cream on your skin and felt a hot sensation?

Well, that’s capsaicin being quickly absorbed into your bloodstream. See... 

Your skin is made of thousands of pores per square inch.  

And these cells are not tightly packed like a brick wall. Which means chemicals can slip through the cracks and seep into your body… 

It’s like playing with fire...  

But how were you supposed to know? 
There are no warning labels. No transparency on their websites. Nothing. That’s not all…
There’s another chemical to be aware of in popular pain relief creams that can cause skin cancer— it’s called methyl.

Reports from Chemical Research In Toxicology found if you have methyl on your skin while being out in the sun… you drastically increase your risk of getting skin cancer on that area (17).
Which is never to be taken lightly...

Because more people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year than all the other cancers combined (18).

It’s terrifying, I know.  
Yet I wouldn’t give you this kind of warning if it wasn’t true.

However, today you don’t have to be a victim of the lies, corruption, and greed of these scandalous doctors and pharmaceutical companies...

Because you’re on the verge of discovering for yourself…

The biggest breakthrough in pain management that’ll finally gift you the long lasting relief you’ve been praying and hoping for...

One that uses ONLY natural ingredients...

No dyes. No coloring agents. No toxic parabens. All approved by the FDA.  
Better yet. This super nutrient healing formula is proven...
Twice As Effective For Soothing Pain As The Top 5 National Brands In The First Ever Gold Standard Independent Double-Blind Study For Pain Relief Topicals (19)...

Giving patients a whopping 1700% greater relief than leading topical brands (19)...

And is clinically tested and proven to outperform one of the most commonly prescribed NSAIDs on the market (2)…

Even better— these nutrient-rich ingredients feed your starving joints and muscles for fast and most importantly... permanent pain relief. 
So What Are These Healing Ingredients
That Banish Pain In Seconds?
It starts with this single most important pair of dual action ingredients— not found in any other pain relief cream on the market. It’s a combination of menthol and holly berry oil— the ‘secret sauce’ that makes our formula tackle even your worst “pain days” faster and better than anything you’ve tried in the past…

I call this unique combination of all natural ingredients the “relief magnet” because these two ingredients—when combined— pull the super nutrients from your skin… into your hurting muscles and joints. There’s not a single system like this in all of the topical pain creams or roll-ons on the planet. In fact...

Most pain relief creams use a chemical petroleum base emulsifier to hold their ingredients together. However their petroleum base blocks your skin’s ability to absorb any of the good nutrients in their products…

It’s like putting on sunscreen then immediately jumping into the deep end of the pool. Sure, some of the sunscreen will be absorbed by your skin but a lot won’t.

Giving you weak coverage… or in regard to pain, weak relief.

This dual action “relief magnet” combination is completely different.

It’s all-natural and carries our formula’s nutrients deeper and further into your aching areas for instant relief— while feeding your cells the nutrients needed to heal. Like...

The magnesium in our topical formula provides instant relaxation to your sore muscles and joints…
Resulting in immediate relief that revives those weak and achy areas.

It’s like a needle popping a water balloon— the pain rushes out your cells and makes room for the healing super nutrients to enter and feed your cells for the long lasting pain relief you need.

Tension gone. Mobility restored. And your achy joints are lubed up for easy comfortable movement.
Glucosamine is a natural compound in your body that keep the health of your cartilage— the rubbery tissue cushioning your joints.
As you get older, your levels of this glucosamine drop... causing a gradual breakdown of the joint.

However with the combination of our dual action absorption ingredients and glucosamine you can send this “pillow for your joints” directly into the weak area to counteract age related strength loss... and actively rebuild itself once again.

Camphor is a natural resource topically used to increase local blood flow to your problem areas. By supplying a fresh flow of oxygenated blood to your sore muscles and joints you’ll quickly reduce pain and swelling. One study found camphor cut osteoarthritis pain in half.

Combined with our dual action absorption— our superior camphor will feel like a pain-shrinking Cortisone shot sent directly to your joint or muscle without the painful prick.

Eucalyptus Leaf
Eucalyptus has healing powers long recognized by native peoples, including the aboriginal people of Australia. It’s nicknamed “nature’s Advil”— giving you noticeable relief from muscle and joint pain in seconds.
Eucalyptus also gives you a cooling and refreshing effect proven to reduce stress and lift the mental exhaustion attached to pain.

This special ingredient not only acts as one of the dual action absorption ingredients.... But also as a ‘distractor’ of pain. Basically— when rubbed onto your pain points you’ll experience an overwhelmingly relaxing sensation that overcomes the pain.

Harvard Medical School loves it too— calling Menthol a harmless gentle pain reliever that replaces your pain with happy feelings. (cite)

And all of the super nutrients above are combined with our dual action absorption for a clinically and scientifically proven Muscle & Joint Pain Breakthrough in a bottle.

The First Ever Maximum Strength Pain Relief Roll-on Topical Powered By Our Unique Dual Action Absorption Blend And Potent Natural Healing Nutrients To Banish Aches, Pains, And Soreness In Seconds!
Now for the first time, you can get your hands on a safe and effective pain reliever… that fixes the root cause of your pain for total relief… WITHOUT addictive drugs and their nasty side effects or dangerous cancer-causing chemicals found in other topical treatments.

Our proven super nutrient formula feeds your starving muscles and joints with the best natural ingredients for relaxation to your body unlike anything you’ve experienced before.

With each dime-sized application of the MuscleCare Roll-on you’ll experience:

  • Instant relaxation— your pain disappears seconds upon application!
  •  Tense muscles loosen and become mobile and more flexible so you can enjoy ease of movement once again...  
  •  Long term calming of the damaged muscle or joint as our clinically tested and proven super nutrient formula directly treats the root cause of all pain and soreness FASTER and longer than anything you’ve tried in the past...  
  •  Peace of mind using our all natural MuscleCare nutrition formula that quickly banishes pain at the source so you can flush those addictive painkillers or dangerous NSAIDs down the toilet… and throw away those cancer-causing creams… 
  • And best of all— pain will NEVER control you again. You’ll reclaim your independence and joy for life. No more interruptions from achy joints or long nights tossing and turning from discomfort. 
  • Plus you’ll experience so many more amazing benefits...    
Just like 51 year old Georgette Scripter of Philadelphia, PA…

Who after undergoing a knee replacement 25 years ago struggled to walk from her own bedroom to the kitchen without pain. Yet in only 3 days after using the MuscleCare Roll-on she’s now able to walk with zero pain.
Or Jonathan Martin of Clifton, New Jersey -47 years old…
Who was told the only fix for his carpal tunnel pain would be surgery.

However since using this healing formula— Jonathan was able to cancel his surgery and continues to live pain free doing what he loves… playing the piano and working in the garden.

Now maybe you’ve had a long hard battle with pain…

You’ve tried the creams, pills, massages, chiropractor visits… anything and everything you could get your hands on for some kind of relief…

And are sick and tired of getting your hopes up just to feel let down… frustrated, even angry because nothing gives you the long lasting release from pain you desperately want.

If that’s you then owe it to yourself to try MuscleCare…

Because we receive emails daily of people who tried everything with little or no relief…

Only To Use This All Natural Super Nutrient Pain Relief Formula With A Single Application And Voilà! Instant Relief.

My dad had terrible arthritis pain 24/7… until now!
"This product has been a blessing for my 80 year old dad! He has been suffering with severe arthritis in his knee. He had terrible pain 24/7, which was limiting his ability to walk, sit, and sleep. He has tried literally every product on the market and nothing has helped relieve the pain....until now! He has only used this product a couple of times and it has relieved his pain tremendously. Granted, it only gives him a few hours of relief and then he has to use it again.....but any relief of the terrible pain he was having is truly a blessing for him! I am now back to order 2 more sets of this product. Don't hesitate to give this a try; it really is a terrific product that does what it claims to do!!"

- Susan (verified purchase)
I Can Finally Golf & Play Tennis Again WITHOUT Pain!
“I’m a long time tennis player and now a golfer and suffer from the old Tennis Elbow as we know it. MuscleCare has been so effective, even on old nursing aches and pains in my back. Not only for myself has the MuscleCare Roll-on been so effective, both my sons play rugby and it has been very successful for them as well, specifically on a nagging calf injury.

 -Lindy Edwards (verified purchase)
Decreased my pain meds and can do more than I’ve been able to in years!
“Hi Dr. Chris - I am 76 years old and have had 2 knee replacements and a shoulder replacement and suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. I have been using the MuscleCare Roll-on since March and the pain level from the arthritis has dropped dramatically. I have been able to decrease my medication intake of pain relievers and can do more than I've been able to do for many years.”

- Tom Hartridge - Brownsville, KY
I ditched my crutches and have not taken a Percocet since!
“Hi Chris, met you in the Dominican at the swim up bar....bald guy with the hip gave me a tube of MuscleCare to try and I wanted to let you know that I am pain free and walking again without crutches. I am using the ointment morning and night but have been doing well since I first used it. Saw results immediately! I have not taken a Percocet since.
Thank you for all your help and it was great meeting you.”

 -Don Gibson (verified purchase)
By Now, You May Be Wondering:
How Do I Get My Own Supply Of MuscleCare Quickly…
And You Might Also Be Wondering…
How Much Should I Use Each Day?
The truth is there are only limited supplies of MuscleCare available…

That’s not some marketing mumbo jumbo or anything like that… it’s the truth.

MuscleCare is made in a certified facility… and each batch is thoroughly tested to be certain what’s labeled on the bottle is what’s found inside.

We use only the purest and most potent ingredients in every batch. Which is not cheap…

On top of that…

The increasing popularity of MuscleCare is putting a major strain on production…

And thousands of Americans are quickly catching onto this breakthrough formula.
Which Means Out-of-Stocks Are Always a Risk…
And because of this…

The team at MuscleCare can only produce a limited number of supplies at any given time.

People of all ages are experiencing the benefits of MuscleCare…

So They Keep Ordering Several Bottles At a Time…
Which makes it difficult for us to keep up with demand. Which is really exciting for our small team here at MuscleCare…

But the truth is out-of-stocks is a very real risk.

With that being said…

It’s important to me that you or anyone else you know and love no longer suffer from the frustration of trying to manage and relieve your pain…

Especially when it can make every day feel like a struggle. See…

MuscleCare can take your burden away. And you can feel peace of mind using it…

  • Safe from toxic chemicals and dangerous cancer-causing formulas…
  •  Free of addictive ingredients found in most over the counter pain relief medications…  
  • Works just as powerful as popular NSAIDs WITHOUT disrupting your natural blood flow and increasing your risk of heart attack or stroke (a well-known side effect of NSAIDs)  
Which is why is just a moment…

I’m going to show you how to get a supply of MuscleCare today…

But before I do, let me answer the second question:
How Much MuscleCare Should A Person Take Everyday?
This is actually pretty straightforward…

Just rub a dime sized portion of MuscleCare to your achy muscles and joints 1-3 times per day and let our proven formula go to work…

It’s that simple!
And Here’s Why It’s Important To Take MuscleCare For At Least 30 Days…
It’s true the breakthrough ingredients inside MuscleCare go to work immediately…

And while you’ll notice the supporting benefits from day 1…  
The More MuscleCare You Use… The Better Chance You Have At Breaking The Pain Cycle Permanently
And don’t just take my word for it…

Here’s a testimonial of my friend Tom…

After using MuscleCare for only a few months he said this…
Decreased my pain meds and can do more than I’ve been able to in years!
“Hi Dr. Chris - I am 76 years old and have had 2 knee replacements and a shoulder replacement and suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. I have been using the MuscleCare Roll-on since March and the pain level from the arthritis has dropped dramatically. I have been able to decrease my medication intake of pain relievers and can do more than I've been able to do for many years.”

-Tom Hartridge - Brownsville, KY
But Tom’s not the only one who’s been using MuscleCare month after month for unending relief…  
More Miraculous Stories Of What MuscleCare
Has Done For Folks Just Like You...

Works even at 96 years old...
“The best part of my experience with MuscleCare is that my 96 year old father — who is still an avid gardener, finds it the one product that really helps his shoulder pain!”

 -Marisa LaCaria (verified purchase)
My defense against tossing and turning all night…
“I have problematic aging knees and my IT band— particularly my right leg— wakes me at night. I put on MuscleCare and it soothes my leg enough for me to go back to sleep until morning. Thank you for making a natural solution for pain.”

-Christine Kieffer (verified purchase)
I’ve tried many other creams, massages, and acupuncture… MuscleCare works better than all of them!
"Amazing product. I have had neck, shoulder and back pain for years. I've tried many other products, get regular massage and acupuncture, and this product has made a huge improvement in how I feel. It is so much more effective than any other topical product I have ever used. I am sending some to family members who have muscle pain." 

-Susan Hall (verified purchase)
I’m On The Waiting List For A Knee Replacement… Then My Pain Disappeared!
I am on the list for a knee replacement and thought I would give this a try. After only two days of using this on my knee - the pain is gone! I can't believe the relief I am getting. I would recommend this to anyone who is suffering from severe pain. It is working for me. Please keep this in stock! 

Barbara from Ontario (verified purchase)
With happy customers like that… and the dozens of other testimonials you see on this page… it’s plain to see that MuscleCare isn’t hype. It’s the real deal pain relief solution for so many.  
  • It’s for all these reasons that I personally recommend choosing at least 3 bottles of MuscleCare (about a 90 day supply)
  • And 6 bottles (a 180 day supply) for a chance to breakout of your current pain cycle forever.  
Now I’d like to restate that MuscleCare is only available on this website. And given its quickly growing popularity…

It might not be around forever…

Especially since our manufacturer is struggling to keep up with demand.

Normally MuscleCare should retail for $159/bottle…

But right now and through this website only…
You Can Take Home Your Supply Of MuscleCare Today At A Huge Discount…
Unlike some conventional pain creams…

MuscleCare is non toxic…

Which is a huge relief to so many customers…

Because they love knowing the ingredients they’re rubbing onto their skin are natural… and not doing any harm when it gently goes underneath the skin and into your muscles, joints and tissues for fast relief…

Plus, on top of that…

MuscleCare doesn’t come with the nasty side effects or addictive ingredients found in so many other pain relief alternatives.

Which is a huge win!

When considering all of that…

$159 for MuscleCare is a really fair deal…
Plus, There’s All The Benefits Money Can’t Buy…
  • Erasing years of chronic back, shoulder and neck pain…
  • Enjoying a full night’s sleep without uncomfortable tossing or turning…  
  • Getting your movement and mobility back…  
  • Reclaiming your independence and doing more of what you love without a wince of pain…  
Thinking of all of this…

$159 seems like a steal to me.

Yet despite all of that…

You won’t pay anywhere close to $159 for a bottle of MuscleCare today.

That’s because like I said before…

I want to help as many people as possible…

Which is why when ordering right now…

You can get your very own bottle of MuscleCare for a one-time investment of just $69…

But that’s just the beginning…

I realize that many people may want to keep using MuscleCare for years to come… whether for 
themselves or for loved ones who are hurting too.

And the fact that there are limited supplies available…

I can understand why they’d want to stock up on 6 bottles of MuscleCare today.

For that reason we have created a substantially discounted multi-bottle plan…

Where you can stock up and save on 6 bottles of MuscleCare…

For just $44 per bottle…

Which is a savings of $690 when you order right now…

But this special discount is only being offered through this website…

That’s not all…

We also want to erase the shipping and handling charge… which is a $14.95 value— absolutely FREE.

But both the discount and free shipping are for a limited time while supplies last...  
So Choose The 6 Bottle Bundle (Or Any Other Bundle That’s Right For You) Below…
And Secure An Order Today While There Are Supplies In Stock!
*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only)
After choosing a package you will be directed to a 100% Secure and Encrypted Checkout Page…
Where there’s a simple form to fill out. After that… 

your order of MuscleCare will be on its way…  

And will arrive within 5 business days from now.  So looking at the facts…  
This Is One Of The Smallest— Yet Crucial Investments You Can Make For Your Body To Feel Young Again…
Something that can not only help you break free of the pain cycle…

But help you win back your independence…

So you can start living your best life. The life you truly deserve.

A single bottle of MuscleCare puts you on the path to soothing aches and pains naturally…

Three bottles guarantees you can keep using MuscleCare without interruption…

And with 6 bottles of MuscleCare…

You set yourself up to enjoy a carefree and pain free life for many years to come…
So Go Ahead And Choose A Package Of MuscleCare Now While There Are Still Supplies In Stock…
And Enjoy The Independence Of Pain-Free Living Today!
*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only)
Experience The Fast Acting— Long Lasting Relief MuscleCare Is Bringing To People Just Like You!
Arthritis pain GONE!!!
"People......this product works !!!!!!!! Both my husband and I LOVE it and I just ordered 4 more.....never want to run out of this. Have so many aches and pains from arthritis to pinched nerve in my back, pain down my leg and arthritis in my toes on one foot. PAIN GONE. I really can't imagine it not working for everyone. Believe me you won't be sorry.” 

- Jane Dickson (verified purchase)
I can now sleep soundly through the night...
“I was fortunate enough to use Dr. Chris Oswald’s MuscleCare on my shoulder aches. I have been diagnosed with calcium build-up in my shoulder muscle which causes major discomfort during the night while sleeping. The MuscleCare Roll-on has helped alleviate the pain and provide a more sound sleep.” 

- Dawn Avery (verified purchase)
Better than Icy Hot and Biofreeze…
“My grandmother turned me onto this. I have occasional joint flare-ups and this works better than Icy Hot and Biofreeze.”

 -Stan Johnson (verified purchase)
No more waking up in the middle of the night...
"It really works. I expected it to help but it has far surpassed all exceptions. I use it for my back hip, shoulder and carpal tunnel, it stopped the ache that would keep me up at night." 

- Jeff Swanson (verified purchase)
I’m 66 years old and can attend to my vegetable garden and other physical activities pain free...
"I have reordered twice and recommended this item to family and friends. I am 66 years old, I have nagging pain and discomfort on my back and knees. After 1/2 hour of applying this medication, I am free of these debilitating aches and can attend to my vegetable garden and other physical activities."
Best pain relief topical I’ve ever tried!
"I have used a lot of pain reliefs but this is the best I have ever tried. I have had back pain for years and I put this on and it is gone in no time. This is my second order because I don't want to run out. I will buy this again and it really does work. My sister had a pain in her wrist and I gave it to her to try she couldn't get over how fast it worked. She also loved it."
Works so good on pain that I keep giving it away as gifts… my friends love me for it!
“I want to thank you for directing me to "Dr. Oswald's Muscle Care." It's the greatest - I'm on my 4th bottle because I keep giving it to friends. It really works - I've been using it on backs, knees, hips, for foot cramps and hand and wrist cramps. Great product, and I continue to recommend it to anyone who has a muscle ache.” 

- Dwayne Thompson, Orangeville, ON (verified purchase)
I can finally sleep without painkillers!
"I use this every night and sometimes during the day. I really thought it would not work, boy was I wrong. I have EXTREME problems with my hip, knee and ankle from an old injury. This takes the EDGE OFF the pain, so I can sleep without pain killers! I like the "peppermint" smell, it is nice, it truly is NOT greasy and the peppermint smell wears down really quick, so I am never without it. One last note, I am going to order another set, since my neighbor tried it for her arthritis in her hands and wrist. She was AMAZED also! She is very 100% German woman who is VERY opinionated and let me tell you, she asked for this for Christmas. I laughed and gave her one, so I will be getting more of these. THANK you for this it really takes off the edge. It is not a cure, but it does allow me to NOT take the pain killers that I know is bad for you. THANK YOU THANK YOU for this product."
And Now It’s Your Turn To Try The MuscleCare Roll-On RISK FREE With Our Pain Away In A Day. 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee!
You don’t have to live with pain a day longer...

Instead you can try our clinically and scientifically results-proven formula for instant and long lasting pain relief 100% RISK FREE.

I’m so passionate about helping you get rid of pain... move better and live a fuller life that I want to take the risk entirely off your shoulders and place it on mine.

I’m so confident you’ll experience the instant and long lasting relief you’ve been waiting for... that I’m willing to do what other pain relief creams and medications won’t…

Give you a full 365 days to try out MuscleCare when you need it.

And if for whatever reason you don’t feel the difference… simply send us back your supply for a full refund. Even if you use every last drop of all six bottles (or whatever package you choose) we’ll take it off your hands and send you every penny.

But can I take a moment to brag a little? I’m proud of this, because...

Of the tens of thousands of bottles of MuscleCare we’ve already sold… not one person has asked for a refund.

That’s right. ZERO unhappy customers... all living a better life— pain free because of this miracle healing formula.

So here’s my promise to you…

  • Instant pain relief to all of your hurting areas in seconds...
  • Pain relief that lasts all day long.
  • a brand new lease on life and happiness...
Or your money back. Guaranteed.

Take my signature below as a signed agreement that MuscleCare will come through on its every word mentioned in today’s letter.

Dr. Chris Oswald
YES! It’s Time To Break The Pain Cycle… And Secure My Supply Of MuscleCare Now!
*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only)
Now It’s Your Turn To Enjoy A Life Without Pain!

Dusting off your old tennis racket and getting back to playing several matches on the court. Or picking up your golf clubs and enjoying a round of 18 holes pain free...

Or doing whatever makes you happy without a wince of discomfort…

To restore strength in your hands and joints that have weakened over the years… and hold your partner’s hand without an ounce of pain.

Staying active and healthy. And spending time with your friends and family— never having to turn down spending time with them due to a bad day of pain.

Being free once again and living life on your terms… instead of having to rely on others or feel like a burden.
That can be you— starting today.

YES! I Want To Take Control Of My Pain…
By Securing My Supply Of MuscleCare Now…
So I Can Enjoy Permanent Relief Starting Today!
*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only)
How Much Will MuscleCare Save You?
I think I know you…
And you’ll do whatever it takes to flip the script on pain and finally be in control of your life and happiness.

So while this fast acting super nutrient formula truly is priceless... if you’re reading this section you’re likely wondering how you can save money… or put money back into your pocket with MuscleCare.

The great news is— you can and you will. See...

A study published in the journal of the American College of Rheumatology shows the cost of treating arthritis pain is rising (20)...

And is getting more expensive as pharmaceutical companies and medical doctors capitalize on the growing number of victims living with pain.

So why keep getting ripped off by these greedy pigs at the top of Big Pharma?

With MuscleCare you won’t have to.

And get this...
Studies show employed adults with arthritis pain earn an average of $3,613 less per year than working adults without pain...
Why should that be you?

Instead you can work at your office desk… or perform manual labor without pain...

And not be slapped by this unjust financial penalty caused by aches and pains.

Let me ask you...

How much would you save if you could flush away all of your expensive prescription drugs?

Or at the very least… take less?
If you’ve read the testimonials above you’ll find our customers are taking fewer prescription painkillers after using MuscleCare.
That alone will shove hundreds of dollars back into your pocket per year… maybe thousands.
Are you going to acupuncture? Physical therapy? Or other types of treatments?

How much would you save cancelling those appointments because you’re no longer in pain?

Or when you stop buying chemically manufactured bottles of topicals— that are so weak— you go through an entire tube every 7 days?

Instead you can enjoy long lasting relief from just one bottle of MuscleCare that comes through on its promises and gives you safe, effective and permanent relief you want...

And remember, when you order a supply of 3 or 6 bottles you’ll have enough bottles to keep your joints and muscles happy for a very long time. And for a massive discount too while we’re still in stock.
The dollar bills all add up in your favor.

Finally… like other testimonials you’ve read above. What if you didn’t have to go through with that surgery you’ve had circled on your calendar?

Which can cost tens of thousands of dollars…

Not including the doctor visits… post surgery therapy… and pain meds that pile up on your bill.

You could go on a nice vacation with that kind of money!

Now… there’s no question that you have a unique battle with pain…
However if I was a betting man… I’d say you fit somewhere on this spectrum, right?
And I can guarantee… no matter the pain—small or large... you’ll experience relief that’s second to none while putting more money back into your pocket with MuscleCare.

You also have my 365 day “pain away in a day” 100% money back guarantee…

So there’s zero risk…

And amazingly we’ve NEVER had a refund— which sounds almost too good, I know. But it’s absolutely true.

So if you want to get rid of your pain in the most cost-effective way possible… what are you waiting for?

See our package deals below and choose the best option for you before we run out of supplies.
Choose The 6 Bottle Bundle Of MuscleCare (Or Any Other Bundle That’s Right For You) Below…

And Secure An Order Today While There Are Supplies In Stock!
*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only)
You Have 2 Options Of Where To Go From Here...
Option 1
Do nothing. And continue down the long hard frustrating road with pain you’re currently on. Which will only get harder by the way.

I’m sure on this page you’ve had an awakening of excitement and hope after reading about the true root cause of pain that doctors have missed over the years.. And how with this discovery and the super nutrient formula on this page... a life without pain is possible.

But you don’t strike while the iron is hot… instead you ignore what you just read. And settle for miserable, unbearable pain and a life of hopelessness.

Becoming a burden to those around you because you selfishly didn’t take action.

You’ll likely tell yourself pain is just a part of life and chalk up your struggle to age. And live the rest of your life… deeply hurting until your last day on earth. I wish I was making this up but I’m not.

Yet there’s a better option...
Option 2
You can take the smart, easy, and smoothly-paved road to freedom without pain.
Order your MuscleCare Roll-on today…

And rub our clinically proven all natural pain busting formula onto any of your sore, achy, or tight muscles and joints and in seconds feel your pain disappear.

It’s that simple. Easy. And effective.

Use it anytime day or night… and turn your anger and frustration into long lasting joy and happiness as you raise your arms victoriously with freedom— once and for all from pain.
Take It From These Folks Who Have All
Said “Yes!” To The Easy Road:
My All Natural Miracle Cure!
"I turned 50 this year and OMG the aches and pains I have... I realized that my dominant hand has been hurting in the knuckles, and I refuse to believe this could be the onset of arthritis. I'd rather not take any medication, so thought I'd give this a try. Well, this morning, as I reached for my "miracle cure" I decided to test it to see how long till the "no pain zone". JUST SHY OF 2 MINUTES! There is no medication that I know of that works this fast. Furthermore, I know I won't need another application till this evening. Really peeps out there, you must give this a try. I think the good Doctor from Canada has hit the jackpot! Please keep this in stock!"

- Laura Trombault - Toronto, Ontario
Shoulder Pain Is 99% Gone In Only 3 Days...
"I have been having a shoulder problem for almost a year and nothing shows on x-rays and I hate the smell and messy OTC products so took a chance. IT WORKS!!!!! I used this for three days and after that my shoulder was 99% better and has stayed that way for a couple weeks so far. Yesterday I used it on my knee and calf and today, no pain!”

- Daniel Stevens - Lincoln, Nebraska
Works for Nana's aches & pains...
"I purchased this for my mom to try. She is riddled with arthritis and she says it does help her with her aches and pains. She just applies it to whatever is bothering her like her knee or her shoulder. She says it helps her with the pain and that it has relieved the pain completely. I know it must work as she asked me to buy her more and she has tried other products that did not help at all. If it didn't work she never would have asked for more."

- Veronica Mendoza - Aurora, New York
Nothing Worked For My Husband... Until MuscleCare.
“This ointment is amazing.My husband has had daily neck, back & shoulder pain for a couple of years. He has been to therapy several times with not much success in managing the pain, has tried several different rubs & ointments but this MuscleCare for whatever reason really works. About ten minutes after applying it he is pain free. Definitely worth the money. Bottom line Yes, I would recommend this to a friend!” 

- Cheryl Cummings - Nova Scotia, Canada
Go Ahead And Choose A Package Of MuscleCare Now While There Are Still Supplies In Stock…
And Say Farewell To Pain Today!
*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only)
Don’t Wait— Claim Your Supply Today!
The good word of MuscleCare is spreading fast...

And by no means are we one of those large factory companies with big machines pumping out mass product...

So when we’re out of stock it takes months before we get another round of MuscleCare to ship out.

So here’s my best advice to you…

If you’re reading this page and there’s an add to my order button above or below it means we are still in stock.

But if you leave this page and come back later I can’t promise you’ll have the opportunity to place an order like you have now.

So while you have this page pulled up— stock up on MuscleCare while you can. 

Here’s how:
 Simply choose the discounted MuscleCare bundle below. 
You’ll then be taken to a secure order form with Fort Knox grade protection where you can confidently enter your payment information.
After clicking the buy now button on the checkout page you will receive your confirmation email. At that time our team will process your order and ship your MuscleCare order directly to your doorstep in just a few days.  
Place your order right now so you don’t miss out on the life changing benefits of our MuscleCare formula.

YES! I Want To Take Control Of My Pain…
By Securing My Supply Of MuscleCare Now…
So I Can Enjoy Permanent Relief Starting Today!
*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only)
Don’t Wait— Claim Your Bottle Today!
To Your New Life Without Pain,
Dr. Chris Oswald
P.S. If you want to end feeling stiff, sore, “locked-up” and immobile— and do so instantly using natural fast-acting long-lasting relief… now is your chance. The super nutrient formula on this page is the solution your joints and muscles have been crying out for. I can’t wait to get MuscleCare into your hands so you can experience your very own miraculous relief just like the other true stories you’ve read about today.

Keep in mind these bottles will be gone fast. So choose the best option above so you can secure your this powerful pain relief formula and experience the soothing difference immediately.

P.P.S. And don’t forget. You’re backed by my Pain Away In A Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. You truly have nothing to lose. Don’t wait any longer. I’d hate for you to leave this page only to come back and we are completely sold out of our breakthrough  MuscleCare formula. Take action now while supplies last.

Frequently Asked Questions
How Does MuscleCare Work?
MuscleCare tackles your pain in two ways. First, it numbs the pain for instant relief using a specific natural pain banishing ingredients. More importantly, it soothes the flared-up muscle or joint by pushing pain-causing waste build-up out of your body for longer lasting relief.
How Long Will It Take To Receive My Order Of MuscleCare?
MuscleCare will be shipped directly to your doorstep within 2 days of placing your order. And depending on your local carrier will arrive 1-2 days after shipping.
Is It Cold Or Hot When Applied?
Other products just mask your pain with hot or cold. I’m not okay with that. Which is why you won’t feel any sort of hot or cold. Instead it’ll feel more like a moisturizer at room temperature for fast acting pain relief that goes to work in seconds. 
Does It Have A Strong Smell?
No it does not. There is a subtle wintergreen smell that disappears no longer than 60 seconds after the nutrients are absorbed into your muscles and joints.
Is It Messy?
No. In fact you won’t have to use your hands to rub in the ingredients. Our Roll-on makes it convenient to send pain relief straight to the source of your aches without the mess on your hands.
How Long Does It Last?
A tiny application (the size of a dime) will provide up to 8 hours of liberating pain relief— more than any other pain relief brand on the market.  
What Is The Difference Between MuscleCare And Other Pain Relief Creams On The Market?
MuscleCare is the very first all natural pain relief cream on the market. It also outperformed national brands tested in reduction of pain and statistically outperformed the placebo in the same study. Results showed MuscleCare performed better in pain reduction compared to all national brands tested by as much as 1700%. Making MuscleCare the most effective pain relief cream available today.
How Often Do You Need To Reapply?
Depending on how chronic pain you’re is, you may only need to apply once for all day relief. More severe cases of pain from chronic conditions may require you to apply 2-3 times per day.
Will It Stain My Clothes?
No. MuscleCare is a stainless product that’s fabric safe on clothes, bed sheets and furniture.
Is It Greasy?
No. Unlike other creams with highly processed chemical based formulas, the natural ingredients in the MuscleCare Roll-on work like a fast absorbing moisturizer— quickly seeping into your skin for instant relief without feeling like you have to run to the bathroom and wash your hands after each application.
Who Can Use MuscleCare?  
If you have pain or soreness, you can use MuscleCare. We have a wide range of people using muscle care… arthritis victims. People with acute and chronic muscle, ligament, and tendon pain . While also serving athletes, contractors, extreme sports, office workers, pregnant women, gamers, gardeners and active seniors alike.
Are There Any Dangerous Chemicals In MuscleCare Like There Are In Other Leading Brands?
MuscleCare products contain no coloring or dyes and are free from parabens and cancer causing preservatives. Parabens have been found in many types of cancers. But you won’t have to worry about that with MuscleCare. We use a safe and all natural formula approved by the FDA.
Who Developed MuscleCare?
MuscleCare was developed by Doctor Chris Oswald with 25 years of clinical real-life experience treating muscle, joint and back pain.
Is MuscleCare Safe?
MuscleCare is the safe alternative to pain pills. Pain meds can have a negative side effects on your body including ulcers, heart attacks, strokes and even death. MuscleCare is so safe that it has even been given the green light for use in pregnancy-related aches and pain.
What Makes MuscleCare’s Absorption So Effective?
MuscleCare has improved absorption by being the only topical pain product company to use a dual action natural absorption technology with the combination of menthol and Holly Berry oil that works like a magnet to your muscles or joints and dramatically improves the absorption of pain shrinking ingredients.
Is There A Money Back Guarantee?
Yes there is. We have a 365 day “Pain Away In a Day” 100% money back triple guarantee. If you do not experience rapid pain relief that goes deeper and longer than anything you’ve tried in the past we will refund every penny back. Proudly, in 6 years since launching MuscleCare we have never once been asked for a refund.
Is This A One Time Payment?
Yes. At the moment there is no autoship program for MuscleCare. Any purchase you make today will be a one-time payment shipped directly to your door.
Shipping and Returns
All orders are shipped via USPS and Canada Post and will arrive at your doorstep within 2-7 business days from your order date. 

If you are not fully satisfied with our product, you can return it to us for refund or replacement. Return items in the original packaging  with receipt or proof of purchase. Your order will be refunded in full minus a restocking fee. 


 ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or
review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.